G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Dates in existence: 1913-present
Brief history:
Alternate Names Dates in Use
Engineering Department 1913-1919
School of Engineering 1919-1961
School of Engineering Sciences 1961-1966
School of Arts and Sciences 1966-1979

Related Retention Schedules:

Series Applicability/Use Retention Period Disposition Schedule Status Approval Date
Departmental Graduate Student Files 10 years following the student's date of last attendance (graduation, dismissal, withdrawal, death or unknown absence), except for students who graduated in 2005 and 2006. Destroy confidentially (shred or permanently delete), except for 2005 and 2006 graduates, whose files should be transferred to the University Archives. Administrators of departments have reserved the right to keep individual files longer at their discretion and cost. Draft
Academic Advising Records Student file that generally includes progress reports, academic probation forms, advisors' notes and correspondence, student's photograph, copies of unofficial transcript and other documentation reflecting the service of undergraduate academic advising. 10 years following the student's date of last attendance (graduation, dismissal, withdrawal, death or unknown absence). Destroy confidentially (shred or permanently delete). Administrators have reserved the right to keep individual files longer at their discretion and cost. Draft

Relationships to Other Offices: